Overcoming Common IT Challenges in Small Business Operations
Are the changes you need to make worth the hassle and expense?
Change can be difficult, especially when that status quo is working, and we can’t be sure that our pursuit of change will yield appreciably better results. If you are a small business owner with a limited IT background, you might look at your company’s success and conclude you don’t need the hassle of building a bigger, better network. In some cases, you might be entirely right, but in others, you might be making a critical miscalculation that undermines your ability to compete in the marketplace. Allow us to make a little analogy.
In 1952, the Milwaukee Braves offered a contract to an 18-year-old Negro League shortstop, who showed enormous promise. There was only one problem: the kid batted cross-handed, meaning that as a righthander, he swung with his left hand on top. The coach of the Eau Claire Bears, the Braves’ Class-C farm team, tried to break his prize prospect of this habit. This meant undoing the mechanics that had enabled this kid to bat .366 the previous season. With a track record like that, why should he change? Long story short, the kid listened to his coach and adapted.
As you’ve probably guessed, that kid was Henry Aaron, who eventually became Major League Baseball’s all-time homerun king. Ironically, Hammerin’ Hank is also recognized as the greatest “wrist hitter” of all time, generating exceptional power from the snap of his wrists the moment the bat impacted the ball.
The point of this story is that people who are suddenly facing a higher level of competition can’t be complacent about how they go about business. You’ve got to listen to the experts, soak in their knowledge, and up your game. If you’re running a small business, you can’t afford to shy away from the challenges of building and maintaining a first-rate network. Yes, challenges exist, but with knowledgeable assistance, you can overcome those challenges to build a better business.
Top IT challenges that small businesses face
Commerce today relies heavily on electronic communication and digital data management. Therefore, efficient networks make for efficient companies. But many small businesses face challenges related to:
- Integration, compatibility, and updates — A network is made of component parts which must communicate with each other. Unfortunately, hardware and software have finite lifespans, and when you replace or upgrade these elements, it can seem as though your component parts are no longer speaking the same language. Usually, all it takes is a minor adjustment to one setting or another to make everything copacetic. But if you don’t know what adjustment to make, your network can be bogged down for hours. This is why it’s essential to have a reliable IT professional on call.
- Security — A data breach or loss can be catastrophic for a small business. But for security to be effective, hardware must be maintained, and software must constantly evolve to stay ahead of the next threat. Companies that “set it and forget it” are asking for trouble.
- Accessibility — How can your network keep up with the demand from workers and customers attempting to gain access? The answer relies on a thorough inventory of usage patterns with an eye towards future business development. Formulating a plan and implementing that plan at an appropriate pace requires IT expertise.
- Budget — Small businesses are generally not flush with cash, allowing them to overspend on tech resources. The key to an efficient network is getting the most out of limited resources.
- Employees — Not every worker has a natural affinity for technology. Some workers are resistant to innovation, which hurts their efficiency. Others are inattentive to security protocols, which can expose the company to grave risk. Managing your people is an essential part of managing your network.
For each of these challenges, a Managed Services Provider can be the solution your company is looking for. At KMF Technologies, we supply the expertise most small business owners lack. But we don’t offer one-size-fits-all solutions. We get to know how you operate, so we can offer specific strategies that target your needs and enable you to get more bang for your buck. We even provide employee training that allows your workers to feel more confident and comfortable, enhancing their efficiency and making your network more secure.
Doing business in the digital age requires you to adapt continuously. But the process doesn’t have to be painful. With KMF Tech managing your IT needs, your company will be ready to swing for the fences.